It Pays to Have Friends

You are offering a lifeline to someone in need with every plasma donation. Donating plasma is rewarding to both donors and the patients who count on plasma-derived medications. Whether it’s a wounded veteran who served our country overseas, an expectant mother anxiously awaiting her new arrival, or a young child trying to live a healthy and normal life, your donation makes a huge difference.
When you refer a buddy (or even your mother, your brother, or a neighbor), you both are rewarded after their second successful plasma donation! Be sure to print, fill, and bring the form below, along with your buddy to the nearest Freedom Plasma location today.*
Requirements and tips for new donors:
- Provide valid photo ID, proof of permanent address, and proof of SSN.
- Eat a good meal and get a good night’s rest before your donation.
*Must complete a full donation of plasma to qualify. Each Buddy or Guest is subject to medical screening to qualify for donation and must complete two donations for you to receive the Buddy Bonus. Fees vary by location. All donor promotional fees subject to change at any time. Cannot be combined with other promotional fees.